15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise

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Cellulite is the frustrating dimpling of the skin. It can trouble people of all ages and body types. It’s a common concern, and understanding its roots is the first step in tackling it. Both genetics and lifestyle influence its presence. 15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise will help you fight cellulite. The primary culprit is the buildup of fat beneath the skin’s surface. This leads to the characteristic lumpy appearance, usually concentrated on areas like the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise emerges as a potent ally in the fight against cellulite. Physical activity contributes to enhanced circulation and muscle tone, ultimately reducing the visibility of cellulite. Through targeted exercises, you can effectively firm and strengthen the underlying muscles, resulting in a smoother skin texture.

Now, let’s delve into the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise that have the potential to revolutionize your perception of your skin and physique. These activities transcend mere vanity; they encompass embracing a healthier lifestyle and amplifying self-assurance.

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise

Can Exercise Eliminate Cellulite?

Exercise can indeed play a role in lessening the visibility of cellulite, but it’s important to note that it cannot entirely eradicate it.

Cellulite appears as visible subcutaneous fat, resulting in a dimpled or “orange peel” texture. It’s frequently observed on the buttocks and thighs.

The skin comprises three primary layers

  • Epidermis
  • Dermis
  • The subcutaneous layer is also known as the hypodermis. 

This layer consists of fatty tissue that stores energy, provides insulation and protection, and attaches the upper skin layers to muscle and fascia.

Directly above the hypodermis lies a connective tissue layer primarily composed of collagen. In certain instances, fat might protrude through these collagen fibers, leading to the characteristic dimpled appearance.

While shedding body fat and increasing muscle mass might aid in diminishing cellulite’s appearance, it’s worth noting that even individuals with lean physiques can exhibit visible cellulite.

Now, let’s delve into the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise that have the potential to revolutionize your perception of your skin and physique. 

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise
A cross-sectional diagram of the skin layers, showing the subcutaneous layer, collagen fibers, and fat protrusion that contributes to cellulite.

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise: Factors Contributing to Cellulite

Cellulite’s origin is complex and influenced by a variety of factors.

1. Anatomical and Hormonal Influences:

  • Women are more affected due to higher estrogen levels and unique anatomy.
  • Collagen patterns and fibrous septae contribute to cellulite’s appearance.
  • Elevated estrogen and hormonal interplay intensify cellulite.

2. Age’s Role:

  • Weakened and thinner connective tissue with age can worsen cellulite.
  • Cellulite can appear post-puberty, affecting various age groups.

3. Genetic Influence:

  • Genetics plays a significant role in cellulite susceptibility.
  • Accepting cellulite as a natural aspect is vital due to genetic ties.

4. Body Composition:

  • Higher body fat percentages can magnify cellulite’s visibility.
  • Strength training and lean muscle development might help mitigate cellulite.

However, cellulite isn’t exclusive to those with excess body fat—it’s tied to connective tissue distribution and can affect individuals of all sizes.

Lifestyle Dynamics

A sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption may exacerbate cellulite. Conversely, an active routine and a nourishing, anti-inflammatory diet might ameliorate its presence. Adequate hydration can also provide temporary relief.

Despite limited research on the correlation between lifestyle and cellulite, adopting healthy habits remains advisable. While specific effects on cellulite might not be definitively proven, a wholesome lifestyle contributes positively to overall well-being.

Now, let’s delve into the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise that have the potential to revolutionize your perception of your skin and physique

15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise

01. Squats: Strengthening Your Glutes and Thighs

Squats play a pivotal role in combating cellulite. These exercises are not only versatile but also highly effective in targeting the glutes and thighs.

The Benefits of Squats:

  • Squatting involves lowering and lifting your body, benefiting more than just your muscles. 
  • By enhancing blood flow, squats contribute to minimizing 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise visibility.

Engaging Key Muscles:

  • Squats excel at engaging the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  • When you rise, your glutes and thighs unite to propel you upward. This teamwork strengthens muscles and enhances skin texture.

Integrating 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise into your exercise routine fosters smoother skin and firmer muscles. Persistence and precision pave the way for cellulite reduction. Let’s explore the world of squats and experience their transformative impact on your journey.

15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise

02. Lunges: Strengthening Thighs and Buttocks

Lunges, whether forward or backward, take a front seat in the fight against cellulite. These active moves directly target the thighs and buttocks, playing a vital role in toning muscles and reducing cellulite.

Breaking Down Lunges:

Lunges come in two variations – forward and backward. In a forward lunge, you step ahead, bending both knees to 90 degrees. With a backward lunge, you step back instead. Both types heavily engage leg muscles, creating an effective anti-cellulite workout.

Toning Thighs and Buttocks:

Lunges work wonders by concentrating on the thighs and buttocks. During lunges, these areas activate, lending support to your motions. This dual-pronged approach tones and strengthens muscles, gradually smoothing skin texture.

Lunges: Strengthening Thighs and Buttocks

03. Bridge Pose: Strengthening Glutes and Lower Back

Among 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, there’s a valuable addition: the Bridge Pose. This yoga pose not only offers relaxation but also targets your glutes and lower back muscles for enhanced strength.

How to Do the Bridge Pose:

Embrace the Bridge Pose from 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise with these steps. 

Lie on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. Gradually raise your hips while keeping your feet rooted. Your body forms a bridge. Hold this pose, concentrate on your breath, and maintain proper alignment.

Empowering Glutes and Lower Back:

The Bridge Pose zeroes in on your glutes and lower back muscles. As your hips lift, these muscles come alive, fostering strength. Regular practice of this pose contributes to muscle tone and eventually smoother skin texture.

Discover the transformative potential of the Bridge Pose as you set out on a journey toward smoother skin and heightened muscle strength with 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise With its spotlight on the glutes and lower back muscles, this pose proves indispensable in your fight against cellulite.

Bridge Pose: Strengthening Glutes and Lower Back

04. Deadlifts: Strengthening Hamstrings and Glutes

Among 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, Deadlifts emerge as a powerful contender. These exercises not only boost muscle strength but also zero in on sculpting the hamstrings and glutes.

Mastering Proper Deadlift Form:

For optimal results from Deadlifts in 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, follow these steps. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grasp the barbell. Bend at the hips and knees, lifting the barbell with a straight back. Lower it down in a controlled manner. Emphasize proper form for both effectiveness and safety.

Strengthening Hamstrings and Glutes:

Deadlifts place prime focus on the hamstrings and glutes. As you lift the weight, these muscles engage, initiating a strengthening process. Regular Deadlift practice can lead to firmer muscles and improved skin texture, contributing to your cellulite reduction journey.

Explore the transformative potential of Deadlifts as you work towards smoother skin and enhanced muscle tone with 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With their concentration on the hamstrings and glutes, Deadlifts are an indispensable part of your strategy against cellulite.

 Deadlifts: Strengthening Hamstrings and Glutes

05. Leg Lifts: Toning Outer Thighs

In the array of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, leg lifts step into focus. These exercises pinpoint the outer thighs, offering a potential solution to minimizing cellulite’s appearance and making them an invaluable addition to your workout regimen.

Performing Side-Lying Leg Lifts:

Include Leg Lifts from 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise in your routine using these steps. Lie on your side, prop your head with your arm, and lift your upper leg straight up before gently lowering it. This exercise works specifically on the outer thighs, contributing to their toning and the potential improvement of skin texture.

Supporting Cellulite Reduction:

Leg Lifts have a direct impact on the outer thighs, an area commonly prone to cellulite. By engaging these muscles, you initiate a strengthening process that may help reduce the visibility of cellulite over time. Consistent practice of this exercise gradually works towards achieving a smoother skin texture.

Embrace the potential of Leg Lifts as an instrument in your pursuit of smoother skin and enhanced muscle tone within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise  With their concentrated approach to the outer thighs, Leg Lifts become an essential player in your fight against cellulite, bolstering your confidence along the way.

Leg Lifts: Toning Outer Thighs

06. Plank Leg Lifts: Engaging Core and Glutes

In the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, plank lifts take center stage. This exercise combines leg lifts with a plank position, offering a potent workout that activates both your core and glute muscles.

Incorporating Leg Lifts into the Plank:

15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise Plank Leg Lifts bring a unique blend of strength. To perform, assume a plank position with your body aligned. Supported by your elbows and toes. Elevate one leg backward off the ground and lower it with control. Alternate legs for a holistic workout experience.

Targeting Core and Glutes:

Plank Leg Lifts zero in on two crucial areas – your core and glutes. The plank position engages core muscles for stability, while leg lifts directly challenge the glutes. This dual-pronged approach contributes to heightened muscle tone and the potential reduction of cellulite visibility.

Discover the transformative essence of Plank Leg Lifts within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With their focus on core stability and glute activation, these exercises play a pivotal role in your journey toward greater confidence and reduced cellulite visibility.

Plank Leg Lifts: Engaging Core and Glutes

07. Cardio Workouts: Igniting Fat Burn

In the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, Cardio Workouts come to the forefront. These exercises encompass a diverse array of activities that bring numerous benefits, including effective fat-burning and an enhancement in overall circulation.

Unveiling Cardio’s Advantages:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, Cardio Workouts shine brightly. Engaging in regular cardiovascular activities ignites the process of fat burning within your body. This process helps trim excess fat, potentially reducing the appearance of cellulite. By consistently incorporating cardio into your routine, you’re on the path to smoother skin texture.

Elevating Blood Flow:

Cardio Workouts hold another impressive advantage: a boost in overall circulation. The rhythmic movements and heightened heart rate during cardio exercises lead to improved blood flow. This enhanced circulation supports the efficient distribution of oxygen and nutrients to various areas, contributing to a healthier outward appearance.

Embrace the vitality of Cardio Workouts with 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With their emphasis on fat burning and overall circulation enhancement, these exercises offer a robust route to attaining your goals of smoother skin texture and greater self-assurance.

Cardio Workouts: Igniting Fat Burn

08. Jumping Rope: Elevating Your Workout

Leap into the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, with the dynamic addition of Jumping Rope. This exercise stands out for its array of benefits, including its efficient targeting of specific areas.

Exploring Jumping Rope Benefits:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, Jumping Rope takes the spotlight as a versatile workout. Combining cardiovascular and strength training, it fosters increased endurance and muscle tone. This combination plays a role in potentially reducing cellulite’s visibility.

Precise Targeting of Concerned Areas:

Jumping Rope presents a focused approach to areas of concern. The repetitive motion directly engages muscles in the legs, buttocks, and core—regions often impacted by cellulite. By consistently incorporating jumping rope into your exercise routine, you’re working towards minimizing the appearance of cellulite.

Leap into the vibrant world of Jumping Rope within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise With its focus on versatile fitness benefits and precise impact, jumping rope offers an exhilarating route on your journey to smoother skin texture and heightened self-assurance.

09. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Intensifying Impact

Step into the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise and the impactful addition of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). This exercise approach gains attention for its distinct structure and its potential to magnify fat-burning through changing intensities.

Understanding HIIT and Its Structure:

Among 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) shines as a dynamic method. HIIT involves alternating between brief bursts of intense exercise and short recovery periods. This strategic structure challenges your body and enhances calorie burning.

Embracing Fat-Burning Benefits:

At the core of HIIT lies its capacity to optimize fat burning. By alternating between high-intensity intervals and recovery periods, HIIT elevates your heart rate, resulting in ongoing calorie burn even after the workout. This dynamic variation contributes to a potential reduction in cellulite appearance.

Step into the dynamic realm of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With its focus on structured intensity and fat-burning potency, HIIT provides a robust avenue toward achieving your goals of smoother skin texture and amplified self-assurance.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Intensifying Impact

10. Inner Thigh Leg Lifts: Enhancing Inner Strength

Step into the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, with the graceful addition of Inner Thigh Leg Lifts. This exercise takes the spotlight for its inner thigh focus, presenting a tailored approach to toning and strengthening.

Engaging in Side-Lying Leg Lifts:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite Inner Thigh Leg Lifts emerge as a targeted workout. This side-lying leg lift precisely engages the inner thigh muscles, working to shape and sculpt this area.

Toning and Strengthening the Targeted Area:

Inner Thigh Leg Lifts offer a specific method to enhance the inner thighs. Through consistent practice, these exercises contribute to toning and strengthening the muscles in this specific region. As a result, expect a more refined appearance and potential cellulite reduction.

Step into the realm of Inner Thigh Leg Lifts within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With their focus on inner strength and targeted toning, these exercises offer a graceful route on your journey to smoother skin texture and enhanced self-assurance.

Inner Thigh Leg Lifts: Enhancing Inner Strength

11. Calf Raises: Elevating Lower Leg Strength

Step into the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise with the introduction of Calf Raises. This exercise takes the spotlight for its focus on the lower leg muscles, presenting a precise approach to strengthening and toning.

Mastering the Calf Raises Technique:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise Calf Raises stand as a straightforward yet impactful workout. To perform calf raises, lift yourself onto your tiptoes, engaging your calf muscles. This uncomplicated movement contributes to improved muscle tone.

Strengthening the Lower Leg Muscles:

Calf Raises offer a targeted method to enhance the lower leg muscles. By consistently integrating calf raises into your exercise routine, you strengthen and tone the calf muscles. Consequently, anticipate enhanced definition in the lower leg area and the potential to reduce cellulite’s appearance.

Step into the realm of Calf Raises within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise With their emphasis on elevating lower leg strength and targeted toning, Calf Raises provide a clear pathway on your journey to smoother skin texture and enhanced self-assurance.

Calf Raises: Elevating Lower Leg Strength

12. Resistance Band Work: Strengthening with an Extra Push

Enter the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, including resistance band work. This exercise takes the spotlight for its use of resistance bands, offering an intensified challenge while focusing on muscle strengthening.

Adding Resistance Bands for a Challenge:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. Resistance Band Work presents a dynamic and challenging approach. By including resistance bands in your workout routine, you introduce an added layer of difficulty, enhancing the effectiveness and engagement of your exercises.

Enhancing Strength with Resistance:

Resistance Band Work is all about boosting your muscle strength with the extra resistance from the bands. As you perform different exercises using the bands, you engage various muscle groups, contributing to better muscle definition and potentially reducing cellulite’s appearance.

Embark on the journey of Resistance Band Work with 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise. With their emphasis on added challenge and precise strengthening, these exercises provide an invigorating route on your quest for smoother skin texture and elevated self-assurance.

Resistance Band Work: Strengthening with an Extra Push

13. Hip Thrusts: Shaping Gorgeous Glutes

Dive into the realm of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, with the elegant inclusion of Hip Thrusts. This exercise takes center stage for its focus on isolating the glutes, offering a targeted approach to engaging and toning these muscles.

Engaging Glutes with Hip Thrusts:

Among 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise Hip Thrusts stand out as a potent workout. By performing hip thrusts, you deliberately target and engage the glute muscles. This purposeful movement contributes to enhancing muscle tone and potentially reducing cellulite.

Hip Thrusts: Shaping Gorgeous Glutes

14. Bicycle Crunches: Core Strength in Action

Navigate the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, with the addition of Bicycle Crunches. This exercise takes the spotlight for its activation of the abs and obliques, providing a focused avenue to strengthen your core.

Exploring Bicycle Crunches:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite, Bicycle Crunches emerge as an effective core workout. To perform them, alternate bringing your elbows and knees together while pedaling your legs in a bicycle-like motion. This movement engages the abdominal and oblique muscles, contributing to core strength and potentially reducing cellulite.

Bicycle Crunches: Core Strength in Action

15. Side Leg Presses: Targeting Outer Definition

Step into the world of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, with the addition of Side Leg Presses. This exercise captures attention for its incorporation of resistance bands, honing in on the outer thighs, and presenting a precise method for addressing cellulite.

Using Resistance Bands for Outer Thighs:

Within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise Side Leg Presses take the stage as a focused workout. By integrating resistance bands into your routine, you direct your efforts towards the outer thigh muscles, all in pursuit of reducing cellulite. This strategic use of resistance bands enhances muscle tone and texture.

Embark on the dynamic journey of Hip Thrusts, Bicycle Crunches, and Side Leg Presses within 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise With their emphasis on glute shaping, core strength, and outer refinement, these exercises provide a multifaceted path toward smoother skin texture and elevated self-confidence.

Side Leg Presses: Targeting Outer Definition

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise: Comprehensive Cellulite-Reducing Workout Plan

Now that we’ve explored 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, it’s time to put together a structured workout plan that incorporates these exercises effectively. This plan is designed to help you target cellulite-prone areas, enhance muscle tone, and work towards achieving smoother skin texture.

Warm-Up (5–10 minutes):

Start your workout with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your muscles for the exercises ahead. Engage in light cardio, such as brisk walking or jogging in place, combined with dynamic stretches to increase blood flow and flexibility.

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise: Workout Routine:

Perform each exercise for the suggested number of repetitions or duration, depending on your fitness level. Rest for 30–60 seconds between exercises to allow your muscles to recover. As you progress, consider gradually increasing the intensity and repetitions.

  1. Squats: 3 sets of 15 reps
  2. Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
  3. Bridge Pose: 3 sets of 15 reps
  4. Deadlift: 3 sets of 12 reps
  5. Leg Lifts: 3 sets of 20 reps (each leg)
  6. Plank Leg Lifts: 3 sets of 12 reps (each leg)
  7. Cardio Workouts (e.g., jogging, cycling, jump rope): 20–30 minutes
  8. Jumping Rope: 3 sets of 1 minute
  9. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): 3 sets of 10 minutes (30 seconds of intense exercise followed by 30 seconds rest)
  10. Inner Thigh Leg Lifts: 3 sets of 15 reps (each leg)
  11. Calf Raises: 3 sets of 20 reps
  12. Resistance Band Work: 3 sets of 12 reps (each exercise)
  13. Hip Thrusts: 3 sets of 12 reps
  14. Bicycle Crunches: 3 sets of 20 reps (each side)
  15. Side Leg Presses: 3 sets of 15 reps (each leg)

Cool-Down (5–10 minutes):

After completing your workout, dedicate time to a gentle cool-down. Engage in static stretches for major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 15–30 seconds. This aids in reducing muscle tension and promoting flexibility.

15 of The Best Exercises to Help Get Rid of Cellulite with Exercise: Additional Tips:

  • Stay hydrated throughout your workout.
  • Listen to your body and adjust the intensity as needed.
  • Gradually increase the number of sets, repetitions, or duration as your fitness level improves.
  • Maintain proper form during exercises to prevent injury.
  • Incorporate this workout plan into your routine 3–4 times per week for the best results.

Remember, consistency and dedication are key to achieving your cellulite reduction goals. By following this workout plan and combining it with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, you’re taking significant steps towards smoother skin and increased self-confidence.

Conclusion: Your Path to Reducing Cellulite

As we wrap up our exploration of 15 of the best exercises to help get rid of cellulite with exercise, it’s important to emphasize that achieving cellulite reduction requires dedication and consistency. Success hinges on a combination of factors, with maintaining a consistent effort being of utmost importance.

Consistency is a crucial element in any fitness journey, and reducing cellulite is no exception. By regularly practicing the exercises we’ve discussed, you gradually enhance muscle tone and may reduce cellulite over time. Making these exercises a regular part of your routine sets the stage for positive changes.

Mixing up your exercises, including squats, lunges, and leg lifts, challenges your muscles in different ways. This variety keeps your workouts engaging and contributes to comprehensive muscle development.

While exercise is pivotal, maintaining a balanced diet also significantly impacts your cellulite reduction efforts. Nourishing your body with healthy foods helps maintain a suitable weight and supports overall well-being. Remember, achieving your goals relies on a combination of proper nutrition and exercise.

Motivation and self-care are your allies throughout this journey. Celebrate small victories, maintain a positive mindset, and be patient with yourself. Recognize that progress takes time, and consistent effort will eventually yield positive outcomes. Prioritize self-care to ensure your mind and body remain in top condition.

Remember, each step you take brings you closer to the outcome you desire. Stay focused, remain determined, and believe in your ability to achieve the results you’re working towards. Your journey to smoother, more confident skin is well underway.


  • How much exercise does it take to get rid of cellulite? The amount of exercise needed to effectively reduce cellulite can vary from person to person. Consistent exercise that targets cellulite-prone areas, along with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to visible improvements over time.
  • Is exercise the best way to get rid of cellulite? Exercise is one of the key strategies to help reduce cellulite. It enhances muscle tone, improves circulation, and promotes fat loss. However, combining exercise with a balanced diet and other lifestyle changes can provide the best results.
  • What exercise gets rid of cellulite the fastest? While there’s no overnight solution. Certain exercises like squats, lunges, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can yield relatively faster results in reducing cellulite. However, consistency and a comprehensive approach are essential for lasting improvement.
  • What type of exercise gets rid of cellulite? Exercises that focus on strengthening the muscles in cellulite-prone areas. such as the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, are effective. This includes squats, lunges, leg lifts, bridges, and cardiovascular workouts like running or swimming.
  • How long does it take to improve cellulite? Visible improvements in cellulite may take several weeks to months, depending on factors. Patience is key, as gradual and consistent progress is more sustainable.
  • How to remove cellulite naturally? Natural methods to improve cellulite include:
  • Regular exercise targets cellulite-prone areas.
  • Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Staying hydrated and reducing excessive salt intake.
  • Incorporating dry brushing or massages to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and practicing self-care.


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